~ The Medicare Benefits Helpline Is Now Available Online ~
You Can Contact The Medicare Benefits Helpline By Phone, Text Or Email...
Call, Text Or Email the Medicare Benefits Helpline!
Are you finding the World of Medicare Benefits, Dental Plans, Medicare Part A, Medicare Part B, Medicare Part C, Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Plans, Medicare Supplements and Medicare Advantage Plans a bit more complex than you first imagined?
Did you know that you may have options to switch or change to a different Medicare / Healthcare Plan during the year under certain qualifying circumstances? For Instance, if you are New To Medicare / Turning 65, you have a 7 month window to sign up. Also, everyone can change during AEP (Oct 15th - Dec 7th Every Year) and during OEP (Jan 1st - March 31st Every Year) those on MAPD's can switch plans once or even decide to return to Medicare Only...
You may also be able to change during other times during the year: If you move to a new area, have COPD, Heart Problems, Diabetes or if you need Extra Help because of limited resources! To find out about additional benefits and your options, Call The Medicare Benefits Helpline - You Have Options & May Even Have Additional Benefits Available & Not Even Know It!
It's A True Honor To Help Consumers
Receive The Benefits & Services That They Want, Need & Deserve!
Your County's Medicare Benefits Advocate (MBA) aka"Extra Help / Extra Benefits Specialist"
Medicare & You Handbooks Are Now Available! Ask Crystal For Updates...
Crystal Chavis (MBA) Licensed Insurance Sales Professional
*Calling the number above will direct you to Crystal Chavis, a Medicare Benefits Advocate (MBA) and a Licensed Insurance Sales Professional.
Did you know that anyone who has limited resources and limited income may be eligible to get Extra Help through the federal government? Many People Qualify And Don't Even Realize It.
Extra Help is based on resources and income, they Do Not Count your home, car, personal possessions or life insurance as resources.
If YOU would like to FIND OUT which of OVER 2,500 Extra Help Programs you qualify for,
Call The Medicare Benefits Helpline Today!
Rx Crisis In America? 20% Of Healthcare Costs...
40% Skip Meds Due To Cost
Have Questions? Need Answers? Medicare Benefits Helpline: 904.419.9598
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DISCLAIMER: This website is a private (Non-Governmental) website and is not associated, endorsed or authorized by the Social Security Administration, the Veterans Administration, the Department of Defense, nor with any Territory, Township, City, Village, County or State, or with the Health Care Financing Administration, the Department of Health and Human Services or the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services nor do we claim to be.
We do not offer every plan available in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area. Please contact Medicare.gov or 1-800-MEDICARE to get information on all of your options.
This website contains basic information about Healthcare Benefits, may also include ACA or Medicare, services related to ACA or Medicare and services for people with ACA or Medicare. If you would like to find more information about the Government Programs please visit the Official US Government Site for People with Medicare located at Medicare.gov or for People without Medicare located at Healthcare.gov for ACA Information.